Brandon Miller

Owner / Attorney
Originally from Cleveland, Tennessee, Brandon graduated Summa Cum Laude from Dartmouth College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and awarded the Edwin F. Jones Prize for a history honors thesis about the attack on the 1961 Freedom Riders in Anniston, Alabama. After college, he road-tripped across the United States for almost a year until entering Harvard Law School. Upon graduating from Harvard in 2001, where his third-year paper focused on the portrayal of lawyers in the works of novelist Walker Percy, he returned to Tennessee to practice law with the Nashville law firm of Bass, Berry & Sims PLC. After co-founding a real estate investment company, he became increasingly interested in real estate and urban development, which led to his involvement in co-founding Wagon Wheel Title and Lockeland Law Group. A graduate of the Nashville Emerging Leaders (NEL) program and former board Member of the Tomorrow Fund, Brandon serves as an officer and board member of Rebuilding Together Nashville (RTN), a leading housing non-profit focused on affordable housing solutions. In his spare time, Brandon dabbles in reading and writing and enjoys 3 Crow trivia, live music, and spreading the gospel of horology.